The Board of the European Polymer Federation is pleased to announce that the EPF Prize for 2022 has been awarded to Christopher Barner-Kowollik, “for pioneering work in the field of macromolecular photochemistry enabling unprecedented access to polymer design, spatially resolved interface functionalization and advanced photoresists technology”.
The Prize will be presented during a Special session at the EPF Congress.
Prof. Dr. Christopher Barner-Kowollik, FRSC, FRACI
A graduate in chemistry from Göttingen University (PhD Advisor M. Buback), Germany, Christopher Barner-Kowollik joined the University of New South Wales, Sydney, in early 2000 (Post-Doctoral Advisor T. Davis) rising to lead the Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design in 2006 as one of its directors and professorial chair. He returned to Germany to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2008, where he established and led a German Research Council funded Centre of Excellence in soft matter synthesis and served as the Head of School of the School of Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry at the KIT. Following a period as an adjunct professor and collaborator with QUT, he moved to Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in early 2017 and established QUT’s Soft Matter Materials Laboratory, one of the world’s premier macromolecular laboratories. He authored over 700 peer-reviewed publications in leading journals (cited over 39 000 times) and was thus far plenary and invited speaker at 230 conferences and research institutions, having been awarded multiple national and international awards.
The Prize will be presented during a Special session at the EPF Congress.
Prof. Dr. Christopher Barner-Kowollik, FRSC, FRACI
A graduate in chemistry from Göttingen University (PhD Advisor M. Buback), Germany, Christopher Barner-Kowollik joined the University of New South Wales, Sydney, in early 2000 (Post-Doctoral Advisor T. Davis) rising to lead the Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design in 2006 as one of its directors and professorial chair. He returned to Germany to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2008, where he established and led a German Research Council funded Centre of Excellence in soft matter synthesis and served as the Head of School of the School of Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry at the KIT. Following a period as an adjunct professor and collaborator with QUT, he moved to Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in early 2017 and established QUT’s Soft Matter Materials Laboratory, one of the world’s premier macromolecular laboratories. He authored over 700 peer-reviewed publications in leading journals (cited over 39 000 times) and was thus far plenary and invited speaker at 230 conferences and research institutions, having been awarded multiple national and international awards.